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Azure DevOps Podcast

Message from Jeffrey Palermo: Howdy.  Welcome to my podcast.  I hope it helps you ship software more quickly and more reliably. Through the topics and guests, I hope your life is made easier. Let me know what topics would be helpful for you.

Podcast sponsor: Clear Measure We are a software architecture company that empowers our client's development teams to be self-sufficient: moving fast, delivering quality, and running their systems with confidence.

Apr 13, 2020

This week, Jay Harris is joining the podcast! Jay is an entrepreneur, speaker, software consultant, and President of Arana Software. He has been developing on the web since 1995. He has been awarded as both a Microsoft Regional Director and a Microsoft MVP. He recognizes that the greatest application performance bottleneck is a developer’s time and is on a continuing quest for frameworks, modules, tools, and practices that make developers stronger, fitter, happier, and more productive! 


In light of the current, ongoing pandemic, Jeffrey and Jay will be discussing distributed DevOps. Many teams and developers are experiencing working distributed for the first time in their career — so, in this episode, they will be providing tips and advice around remote working and some solutions to common problems many developers run into.


Topics of Discussion:

[:41] Be sure to visit AzureDevOps.Show for past episodes and show notes.

[:48] About Jeffrey’s current promotions and offers.

[1:32] About today’s episode and featured guest, Jay Harris.

[2:06] Jeffrey welcomes Jay to the show!

[2:35] Jay shares some of the highlights of his career as well as the story of how he ended up running his own software consulting firm!

[5:11] Would Jay agree that the rate of new applications is accelerating?

[6:07] Jay shares his observations around what seems to be the easiest development practices to implement vs. the more difficult to implement, amongst the clients he works with.

[7:35] Does Jay have a favorite tool stack at the moment for DevOps Pipeline?

[9:00] Jay gives some advice for teams who, in light of the current pandemic, need to start working distributed. He also addresses some of the common problems with working from home on a system that isn’t optimized to handle your work.

[15:48] A word from Azure DevOps Podcast’s sponsor: Clear Measure.

[16:14] Jeffrey gives some quick announcements.

[18:05] Jay and Jeffrey discuss possible solutions for working from home such as using a virtual machine.

[19:10] Jay shares what DevOps processes and changes tend to work with his clients’ teams.

[22:55] How are they doing their standups now? What has changed, what are some of the challenges, and what works well?

[26:46] Jeffrey and Jay discuss what it has been like to work from home with young kids.

[30:54] Jay gives some final key points about distributed DevOps.

[32:48] Jay shares what he has been looking forward to related to .NET and what he recommends others look into!

[36:25] Jeffrey thanks Jeremy for joining the podcast!


Mentioned in this Episode:

Azure DevOps

Clear Measure (Sponsor)

.NET DevOps for Azure: A Developer's Guide to DevOps Architecture the Right Way, by Jeffrey Palermo — Available on Amazon! — Click here to download the .NET DevOps for Azure ebook! — Visit to get your hands on two free books to give away at conferences or events!

Jeffrey Palermo’s Youtube

Jeffrey Palermo’s Twitter Follow to stay informed about future events! — Email Jeffrey for a free 30-point DevOps inspection (regularly priced at $5000!) — Spaces are limited!

Jay Harris’ Website

Jay Harris’ LinkedIn

Arana Software

Jay Harris’ Email:

Jay Harris’ Twitter: @JayHarris

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